
Now more than even, Specialty Coffee Roasting has become popular. From Home Roasters, Coffee Shop Operators, Baristas and Producers are more interested in Roasting their own Coffee.

Starting a Roastery or Small-Scale Roasting Operation can also be a daunting task. There are endless considerations to account for: Choosing Equipment, Workspace for the Equipment, Storage Space and Employees.

Passionate about Specialty Coffee but don't want to make the Significant Investment in Renting Space and Buying Equipment.


To Minimize the Challenges and Streamline Operations, many Roasters use Co-Roasting Spaces.

Roasting Collectives ("Shared Roasting Spaces/Co-Operatives") Offer Flexible and Accessible Options for Those Interested in Roasting Their Own Coffee without Needing to Make the Significant Investment in Equipment and Workspace.

B3 Coffee roasting

B3 Coffee Roasting Co-Operative is a Shared Roasting Space for Specialty Coffee Roasters.

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